Linear speed and Angular speed

Linear speed: the distance traveled divided by time. An object move from A to B, the distance is `d = θtimes r` than the linear speed ` v = d/t = (θr)/t` Angular speed: the angle swept divided by time. `ω = (θ)/t` therefor ,we can get
`v =ω times r `
Example: Suppose you are sitting on a ferris wheel that has a radius of 10 meter. It takes 4 minutes for the wheel to rotate 3.5 revolutions. What is the angular and linear speed of the wheel? Solution: `1` revolution = `2π \ rad` `3.5` revolution = `3.5 times 2π \ rad = 7π\ rad` `ω = (7π)/4 = 5.5\ rad//mi n` `v = ωr = 5.5 times 10 = 55\ m//mi n`