Fastest speed & Relative Velocity

Speed of a snail: `1.34 × 10^-2\ m//s` Speed of human(100 meter world record 9.58 s) : `10.44\ m//s` Speed of Cheetah: `33\ m//s` Speed of Golden eagle: `90\ m//s` Speed of fastest Car: `120\ m//s` Speed of commercial airplane: `230\ m//s` Speed of sound : `340\ m//s` Speed of Earth spinning: `460\ m//s` First cosmic velocity: `7.907 × 10^3\ m//s` Second cosmic velocity: `11.18 × 10^3\ m//s` Third cosmic velocity: `42.13 × 10^3\ m//s` Speed of Earth around the sun: `30 × 10^3\ m//s` Voyager 1: `17× 10^3\ m//s`
Speed of Light: Slower than snail to `3.00 × 10^8\ m//s`

Relative Velocity

Two observers measure the speed of a man walking on a moving beltway. The woman standing on the beltway sees the man moving with a slower speed than does the woman observing the man from the stationary floor. The woman standing on the moving beltway sees the man moving at a normal walking speed. The woman observing from the stationary floor sees the man moving with a higher speed because the beltway speed combines with his walking speed. Both observers look at the same man and arrive at different values for his speed. Both are correct; the difference in their measurements results from the relative velocity of their frames of reference. Or we can say the woman standing on the moving beltway sees the man's velocity is relative to the beltway. The woman standing on stationary floor sees the men's velocity is relative to the ground.
Can you find anything without speed?

Strange light speed