True of false

1. In some ways, physics can help you predict the future. 2. Heavy objects are denser. 3. Color of a kind of physics property of an object. 4. Melting ice into water is a chemical reaction. 5. Burning paper is a physical reaction. 6. Heavy objects are denser only if they have the same volume. 7. You can change velocity without change speed. 8. You can change speed without change velocity. 9. Accelerating objects must be changing their speed. 10. Acceleration means an object is slowing down, speeding up, or changing direction. 11. An object that is accelerating is always moving fast. 12. An object that is accelerating will eventually be moving faster. 13. If two per moving under same speed, the relative velocity between them will be 0. 14. Acceleration and velocity are always in same direction. 15. If velocity is 0 then acceleration is 0 too.