Object under constant Acceleration

The velocity changes at the same rate throughout the motion. For example: a car start from rest and travel under a constant acceleration of `a = 1.0 m//s^2`.
Time Velocity displacement
`1\ s``1.0\ m//s``0.5\ m`
`2\ s``2.0\ m//s``2.0\ m`
`3\ s``3.0\ m//s``4.5\ m`
`v = at`
if a car have a initial velocity (`v_i = 10 m//s`) and travel under a constant acceleration of `a = 1.0 m//s`
Time Velocity displacement
`0``10\ m//s``0`
`1\ s``11.0\ m//s``10.5\ m`
`2\ s``12.0\ m//s``22.0\ m`
`3\ s``13.0\ m//s``34.5\ m`