Average kinetic energy in ideal gas

Recall: ideal gas law `PV = NkT` where `k` is Boltzmann's constant `k = 1.38 times 10^(-23)\ J//K`
`P = F/A` `P =(N(moverline(v^2))/(3L))/A` `P =1/3(Nmoverline(v^2))/(AL)` where area `A` times `L` is the volume `V`
`P =1/3(Nmoverline(v^2))/V`
`=>` `PV =1/3(Nmoverline(v^2)) = NkT` `=>` `1/3(moverline(v^2)) = kT` `2/3(1/2moverline(v^2)) = kT` where `overline(KE) = 1/2moverline(v^2)` =>`
`overline(KE)=1/2moverline(v^2)=3/2kT` This equations tells us that the average translational kinetic energy of molecules in random motion in an ideal gas is directly proportional to the absolute temperature of the gas.