The Ideal Gas Law

1 mole is defined as the amount of substance that contains as many atoms or molecules as there are in precisely 12 grams of carbon 12 (whose atomic mass is exactly `12\ u`).
`1\ u = 1\ g//mol` `1\ mol ≈ 6.022×10^23\ particl es ` `1\ u = 1.665 times 10^(-27)\ kg`
Thus `1\ mol` of `H_2(2\ u)` has a mass of `2.0\ g` `1\ mol` of `CO_2 ` has a mass of `44\ g` Where atomic mass of `C` is `12\ u` and atomic mass of `O` is `16\ u`
`n(mol) = (mass (grams)) / (mol ecu l a r\ mass (g//mol))`
For example, the number of moles in `132\ g` of `CO_2` is `n = (132\ g)/(44\ g//mol) = 3.0\ mol` The Ideal Gas Law From the 3 gas laws we just leaned, we find `PV` is directly proportional to `T` that means when `T` increase, `PV` increase too. We can write the proportion as an equation:
`PV = nRT` where `n` represents the number of moles and `R` is the universal gas constant
`R = 8.314\ J//(mol•K)` `=0.0821\ (L•atm)//(mol•K)` `=1.99\ calories//(mol•K)`
STP: Standard Temperature and Pressure. which mean: `T = 273 K or 0°C` `P = 1.00 atm = 1.013 times 10^5\ N//m^2`