True or False

1. When the net force is zero, the forces on an object are balanced. 2. If two forces are in the same direction, they cancel each other out. 3. Any time the forces are unbalanced, an object will remain at rest. 4. According to Newton's first law of motion, an object at rest will stay at rest until a net force acts upon it. 5. According to Newton's first law of motion, an object moving at a constant speed in a straight path will continue to do so until a net force acts upon it. 6. Friction brings most moving objects to a stop. 7. Galileo believed that the natural state of an object was to be at rest. 8. When the net force is zero, the forces on an object are balanced. 1.true 2.false 3.false 4.true 5 true 6. true 7. Fasle 8. True